I've been doing yoga now for quite a few weeks. Probably since the start of the new year. I've seen so many benefits of my daily practice. It's incredible. I had done a bit of studying of yoga, and didn't understand how someone could get the benefits I read about. Here are just some of the benefits I've enjoyed from doing yoga.
1. Increased flexibility. I never thought I could be as flexible as I am now. It feels so good to wake up in the morning and stretch. It helps me wake up. My muscles feel healthy when I stretch. I read somewhere that stretching is good for you because it breaks up the amino acids within the muscles and removes the "toxins" from your muscles. I believe it. Also, I've always had some pretty sensitive knots in my back and shoulders. It'd hurt for anyone to touch. (Dad loves to come up from behind and try to give me a shoulder massage when I appear stressed, it usually hurt to bad, I'd drop to the floor to try to get away. lol). Stretching has removed the knots in my back. It's amazing. I don't feel near as sore!
2. Weight loss. I've always been pretty sensitive about my weight. I was never a skinny kid growing up, and my "baby fat" didn't leave me until about the time I got marred (at 20 years old). Doing yoga every morning gets my body moving and gives me my exercise. I've lost weight. (Don't know how much, we don't have a scale). But I can tell by the way I look and how my clothes fit, and how often times I have to cinch up my belt, the weight is leaving. :)
3. Appetite control. When I do yoga in the mornings, I feel less inclined to overeat, munch, gorge, graze and less inclined to go searching for the Nutella (cursed goodness). Actually, I'm hungry more often. (Normally I could eat at 10 am, and 5 pm and be just perfect). Now, I'm eating 3 meals a day, but they are smaller and healthier. I'm finding that my body is processing my food at a faster pace than before. I'm no longer craving sugars, instead I'm looking for fruits or veggies. Yoga has done a great job of regulating my appetite and cravings.
4. Increased energy. Yes, I have more energy each day from doing yoga. (Well, on the days I don't repetitively hit my alarm). I'm not dozing off every 15 minutes, or conking out for 30 minutes at a time. I don't feel sluggish and slow. Yoga has been an awesome way to jump start my day. Because I'm a night owl type of person, as the day goes on my energy only increases. (usually). This has been very nice. I've kind of always struggled with fatigue for one reason or another (once upon a time, I had mono), but yoga has really helped!
5. Increased strengths. This has been really cool! My legs have always been pretty strong, I did marching band in high school and that helped. My arms and abs however, have been pathetic. The more time I've spent doing yoga, the more strength I've gained in these weak areas. I can do a full plank for over 30 seconds now! A few months ago, I was dying after 5 seconds. It's been so exhilarating to see my strength increase. I'm not interested in body building or lifting weights, but I am pretty passionate about being able to hold and manage my own body weight. (I'm working on holding a handstand!).
6. Toned tummy and arms. My heck, I can feel my abs! Check out my muscles! I've never been able to say that until now. Mwahahaha. My efforts are paying off. Under the little bit of pudge still there on my belly, I have abs! Each day I do some ab exercise. Not a whole lot, but enough to really feel it. I can now hold my legs up off the ground a few inches (whilst laying on my back,) for 30 seconds! My arm muscles have been what I've just recently started working on, but my arms don't jiggle as much. (no bingo wings for me, HA!) You can see a clear line on my arm muscles. It's stinking awesome. I love it.
7. Better attitude. I've always thought I've just naturally had a "negative" attitude that I have to constantly work on to be positive. So many times it seemed so hard, and it was just instinct to be negative. Sometimes I'd just blame it on my "pessimistic personality". (But in reality it's just my realist attitude, hahaha). Often times, I've apologized to Trevor for my overall negativity. The healthier I've become through eating and exercise, the more positive I've become. My disposition has changed to positive and happy! It's a relief to know I don't have some kind of harsh "defect" by being a negative Nancy all the time. It's a matter of lifestyle and choice, I agree. But, there is an underlying nature that can effect us overall. This can be overcome with exercise and healthy eating.
8. Better posture. This has probably been the biggest blessing and the least expected out of all the benefits. Being a woman, the chest can get heavy, mine is no exception. I've never had great posture, and that little issue doesn't help. I've been pretty aware of my bad posture for quite some time. I couldn't sit with my legs crossed and my back straight for more than just a second before my back got really sore and trembling. I'd have to lean forward and put my arms on my elbows for relief. Heavy backpacks don't help either. My shoulders were always slumped forward and hunched. To stand straight seemed unnatural and almost painful. I just didn't have the back muscles for it. I tried to work on it, but felt it would take my entire life to correct my set-in-stone bad posture. While doing yoga, I didn't know that this could be a benefit. I wasn't expecting it, nor had I noticed until I was driving with my husband to Idaho (we are in Utah). We were about an hour and a half into our drive before I realized. "Trevor! I don't have bad posture!" Normally, I'd hunch over the steering wheel, which is remarkable considering I'm only 5'4 and sit with my chair as far back as it can go. Lo and behold, my back had been straight the whole drive and I wasn't even tired! I felt just fine in fact!
Since that time, I've noticed it continually. I have the strength in my shoulders and back to support the weight of my own body. It's been a HUGE blessing and a large confidence booster. One thing I've learned during my yoga experience, is that our bodies are smart. They know the proper health they should be in. If our bodies are given the proper environment and circumstances they will heal themselves. Our bodies know what to do to heal and get back to their proper frame. This means, proper posture, healthy weight, regulated appetite, etc.
I've had to give my body the proper environment and circumstances to get it on it's way to healing. I've had to exercise and eat healthy. Both of these are very important. The different parts of my body that I exercise and stretch receive increased health. Food plays a large part in our weight, energy and appetite. It's not hard to eat healthy. You are what you eat. Don't be cheap, or processed. Grab an apple and a yoga mat! It's by far easier and cheaper to be healthy in little ways every day, then have to pay for it in the long run with medical bills and a worn out body.
I feel incredible. I look better than ever. My days are amazing. Life is great, and as the Lego movie shows: EVERYTHING IS AWESOME!
Grab a yoga mat and experience these awesome benefits for yourself!
- SamiMae
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Monday, March 10, 2014
Giant Corn
I'm growing corn on my balcony at my apartment. In doing some research online about growing corn I found this YouTube video. Growing Giant Corn. I did not know there was such a thing.
Check out the video! It's insane. If you don't want to watch the whole thing, skip to the last 3 minutes. check out the crazy roots on it. It's like a mutant.
- SamiMae
Check out the video! It's insane. If you don't want to watch the whole thing, skip to the last 3 minutes. check out the crazy roots on it. It's like a mutant.
Friday, February 7, 2014
My Yoga Journey has Begun!
I just got done doing some yoga today. WOW! Even better than before. This is really neat. I feel like a lot of times, we as humans, will pick up a new hobby or something, do it for a little bit and then give up or stop doing it.
I was wondering if that'd happen to me with yoga. The more I do it, the more I can see how it becomes a lifestyle. I like to exercise in my own home, often by myself. Not only is this great exercise, but it's peaceful. It tones and stretches your body.
Today, after I straightened my little apartment, I got out my mat and turned on my yoga music on my app. On my pinterest yoga board, I've pinned quite a few sequences that I've wanted to try. Today, I tried another one. This one was like magic!
I didn't create this, I got it off of Pinterest, click here for original source.
I was wondering if that'd happen to me with yoga. The more I do it, the more I can see how it becomes a lifestyle. I like to exercise in my own home, often by myself. Not only is this great exercise, but it's peaceful. It tones and stretches your body.
Today, after I straightened my little apartment, I got out my mat and turned on my yoga music on my app. On my pinterest yoga board, I've pinned quite a few sequences that I've wanted to try. Today, I tried another one. This one was like magic!
I didn't create this, I got it off of Pinterest, click here for original source.
Cute bunnies, huh?! I liked this sequence. It had rhythm to it and it flowed nicely. I like that it recommended 10 second hold in each pose, and do this sequence 6 times. I did it 6 times. I was thinking about stopping after 3-4 sequences. But I kept going. I'm glad I did.
Remember having to run miles in grade school? Remember how the middle part of the mile seemed to drag and you wanted to die? But then, somehow you found strength and the end of the mile was pretty easy, or you were able to press through without feeling like you were gonna die? That's kind of how this was. I was getting a bit tired from the downward dog pose. (That's always been one of my least favorite, but it's now working it's way up the ranks.).
So, start in mountain pose, then move into a forward fold. I found as I worked through the sequences, I was able to stretch more and more into that forward fold. I bent my knees a bit and I was able to put my face to my knees. I don't remember the last time I could do that!
From this pose, it's easy to move into the downward dog. Hold that pose! I know the arms get tired! Then move into the warrior pose. The warrior pose is in here twice so we can alternate legs. When you are in downward dog and moving into warrior pose, lunge your knee forward first, then move your torso up into the warrior pose. Then, it's easy to get back into downward dog. Then warrior again, then downward dog again. Getting tired? Well now we have a restorative pose.
The Child's pose is a great one! Relax your whole body and spine. It may feel like you are bowing to something, but yoga is not a religion, it's a science! After the child's pose, it's easy to move into the upward dog, lean forward onto your chest and them push up into upward dog. Then downward dog, forward fold, and mountain pose again.
Then do it again, 5 more times! After about 3 repeats, I had it memorized. I didn't have to look at my tablet and I was able to just keep going. That's when the magic happened! There is a flow of energy and peace. Clear your mind while you do yoga! It's something that's hard to describe, but give it a shot.
I stretched a bit before, and then meditated for a few minutes after. This is a great exercise. You can change it up every day, or keep doing what you'd like. I love yoga because it's so customizable. I don't have to run the same track or do the same weights or whatever. I can do any kind of sequence I want, for how long I want. I'm starting to see results of my yoga practice. It's awesome.
Afterwards, you don't feel like eating junk food. I'm not a fan of bananas, and that sounded very appealing to me after my yoga session. It took about 30 minutes from the start of stretching to the end of meditation. Give yoga a try and catch the magic! It's worth it! I think i'm going to stick with it!
I've learned this phrase below. It's true. You don't have to have perfect technique. I sure don't! HA!
Try something new today!
- SamiMae
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Yoga is fun!
So, the last few weeks, I've been doing a few minutes of yoga everyday with a handy little app on my tablet. I've almost done all the free sessions that are available. I've read a bit online about yoga. I've just felt where I've never taken a class, I really can't do it on my own. Well, then I started researching it on Pinterest. If utilized properly, Pinterest can be pretty powerful. Hahaha. It's true. I've found so many answers and dinners on Pinterest than any recipe book.
I started searching yoga sequences. Today, I did one. I did the second to last session on my tablet, then I put on some yoga music (from another app) and followed a yoga sequence that was posted on Pinterest. Afterwards, I spent a few minutes meditating. Wow! I see what all the hype is about.
I want a form of exercise that is more that just running, which I actually quite enjoy doing. I just don't like running in the freezing cold weather. I've also been walking to campus with a huge laptop and thick textbook in my backpack. So, I've been experienceing some back/shoulder/neck pain as well. I did some yoga and meditation, and I feel so relaxed.
By the end of my short little yoga session, I was sweating. It was a good workout. My arms have never been very strong, but there are a lot of yoga poses that can strengthen your arms. My legs have always pretty strong, but the muscles are so tight, I can't stretch very far or well...at all. My muscles are so tight, but I've been gently pushing myself to become more flexible.
I have a goal to keep doing yoga, to gain flexibility in my legs and strengthen my core this year. I've always has a "few extra pounds" on my body. I didn't really lose my baby fat, until the last year. Jezz, I know. Even in my senior year, I still had chubby cheeks.
One thing I'm thankful for, is my experience in marching band. I did two years of it and I learned discipline and endurance. I know what it feels like to be so exhausted that you feel like you can't move, and then have to "take it back again" for the millionth time. Even 4+ years later, those lessons are still with me. So, when I'm doing a yoga pose, or even just a plank that is really wearing me down, I just hold it longer.
I started searching yoga sequences. Today, I did one. I did the second to last session on my tablet, then I put on some yoga music (from another app) and followed a yoga sequence that was posted on Pinterest. Afterwards, I spent a few minutes meditating. Wow! I see what all the hype is about.
I want a form of exercise that is more that just running, which I actually quite enjoy doing. I just don't like running in the freezing cold weather. I've also been walking to campus with a huge laptop and thick textbook in my backpack. So, I've been experienceing some back/shoulder/neck pain as well. I did some yoga and meditation, and I feel so relaxed.
By the end of my short little yoga session, I was sweating. It was a good workout. My arms have never been very strong, but there are a lot of yoga poses that can strengthen your arms. My legs have always pretty strong, but the muscles are so tight, I can't stretch very far or well...at all. My muscles are so tight, but I've been gently pushing myself to become more flexible.
I have a goal to keep doing yoga, to gain flexibility in my legs and strengthen my core this year. I've always has a "few extra pounds" on my body. I didn't really lose my baby fat, until the last year. Jezz, I know. Even in my senior year, I still had chubby cheeks.
One thing I'm thankful for, is my experience in marching band. I did two years of it and I learned discipline and endurance. I know what it feels like to be so exhausted that you feel like you can't move, and then have to "take it back again" for the millionth time. Even 4+ years later, those lessons are still with me. So, when I'm doing a yoga pose, or even just a plank that is really wearing me down, I just hold it longer.
I found this on Pinterest and smiled. I know exactly how this feels and it's my past experience with this feeling that keeps me going on. I found that planks really work the core. No, not the planks that were popular a few years ago, were you just lay flat. The kind of plank I'm talking about is when you put your elbows and hands on the ground, keep your body straight and push on your toes.
Hold this for a minute. Feel the burn. There are lots of varieties. This also strengthens your arms as well. I love being able to work out in my own little apartment. Want to see the sequence I did today? I was kind of clumsy my first time, but I can feel its going to get better.
(I got this off of Pinterest, not my own design). Give it a shot!
This, was fun. It tested my flexibility and I really worked on my breathing technique, well until about half way, because then I was pretty tired. Once I get familiar with the different poses, my practice will go a lot smoother.
While doing research on yoga, I found this website called Yoga Basics. If you're interested in learning more about yoga. Give it a look. There is a ton of material! I found it helpful.
Afterwards, I meditated. Simply, that's quieting the mind for a few minutes. We spend so much time in a loud environment, with so many things calling for our attention along with the stresses of life. It's important to meditate and quite our mind for a little bit each day. I could tell a difference afterwards.
Anyway, yoga has some amazing benefits and I've decided to go on a journey that I don't think I'll regret. :)
Try something new today.
- SamiMae
What to post, what to post?
The last little bit, I've been thinking about what I wanted to use this blog for. I wanted a way to share things that I've learned that aren't directly related to my "recipes" blog. It's been fun to watch as our blog website has transformed over the last few weeks.
Trevor has wrote a few really good posts for I'm a Mormon blog, which has drove quite a bit of traffic to our blog. We aren't out to make money or become popular with our blogs. I started our blogs, really as a way to keep an online journal. A place to keep recipes without having to dig in some dusty cookbook. I am not as big a fan of Facebook as I use to be. I'm tired of all the junk and adds. On our blog, I can post anything I want, without all the extra junk on the website.
I'm 20 years old, Trevor and I will be celebrating our big Six Month anniversary tomorrow. (Crazy how time flys). I see all the awesome mom blogs out there, and love them. So, I decided to start my "mom" blog a bit early. No, we are not expecting. But, we do see our blog site as a good way to share what's going on about us, share our beliefs, our dreams and discoveries.
That's what I've decided I want this blog page to be about. Trevor and I are young, we have huge dreams, and we are learning new things every day. I have dreams about being self sufficient. I don't want to rely on anyone or anything for survival. I'm discovering new ways to rely less on the grocery store and save money and be frugal. I'm discovering ways to be more healthy. I've discovered that yoga is awesome! After my yoga session today, I understand what all they hype is about. It's fun and all the benefits that they claim are real.
Trevor and I are also in college, therefore we are learning a ton in that regard as well. I'm studying accounting. Trevor is studying civil engineering. There are cool things we are learning there. I'm also thinking over the idea of filling in my gaps of knowledge from my less than impressive high school experience. It's important to be well rounded, but fun and curious as well.
So this blog, I don't quite know what it'll turn out to be, but that's the fun of dreams and discoveries.
- SamiMae
Trevor has wrote a few really good posts for I'm a Mormon blog, which has drove quite a bit of traffic to our blog. We aren't out to make money or become popular with our blogs. I started our blogs, really as a way to keep an online journal. A place to keep recipes without having to dig in some dusty cookbook. I am not as big a fan of Facebook as I use to be. I'm tired of all the junk and adds. On our blog, I can post anything I want, without all the extra junk on the website.
I'm 20 years old, Trevor and I will be celebrating our big Six Month anniversary tomorrow. (Crazy how time flys). I see all the awesome mom blogs out there, and love them. So, I decided to start my "mom" blog a bit early. No, we are not expecting. But, we do see our blog site as a good way to share what's going on about us, share our beliefs, our dreams and discoveries.
That's what I've decided I want this blog page to be about. Trevor and I are young, we have huge dreams, and we are learning new things every day. I have dreams about being self sufficient. I don't want to rely on anyone or anything for survival. I'm discovering new ways to rely less on the grocery store and save money and be frugal. I'm discovering ways to be more healthy. I've discovered that yoga is awesome! After my yoga session today, I understand what all they hype is about. It's fun and all the benefits that they claim are real.
Trevor and I are also in college, therefore we are learning a ton in that regard as well. I'm studying accounting. Trevor is studying civil engineering. There are cool things we are learning there. I'm also thinking over the idea of filling in my gaps of knowledge from my less than impressive high school experience. It's important to be well rounded, but fun and curious as well.
So this blog, I don't quite know what it'll turn out to be, but that's the fun of dreams and discoveries.
- SamiMae
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