I was wondering if that'd happen to me with yoga. The more I do it, the more I can see how it becomes a lifestyle. I like to exercise in my own home, often by myself. Not only is this great exercise, but it's peaceful. It tones and stretches your body.
Today, after I straightened my little apartment, I got out my mat and turned on my yoga music on my app. On my pinterest yoga board, I've pinned quite a few sequences that I've wanted to try. Today, I tried another one. This one was like magic!
I didn't create this, I got it off of Pinterest, click here for original source.
Cute bunnies, huh?! I liked this sequence. It had rhythm to it and it flowed nicely. I like that it recommended 10 second hold in each pose, and do this sequence 6 times. I did it 6 times. I was thinking about stopping after 3-4 sequences. But I kept going. I'm glad I did.
Remember having to run miles in grade school? Remember how the middle part of the mile seemed to drag and you wanted to die? But then, somehow you found strength and the end of the mile was pretty easy, or you were able to press through without feeling like you were gonna die? That's kind of how this was. I was getting a bit tired from the downward dog pose. (That's always been one of my least favorite, but it's now working it's way up the ranks.).
So, start in mountain pose, then move into a forward fold. I found as I worked through the sequences, I was able to stretch more and more into that forward fold. I bent my knees a bit and I was able to put my face to my knees. I don't remember the last time I could do that!
From this pose, it's easy to move into the downward dog. Hold that pose! I know the arms get tired! Then move into the warrior pose. The warrior pose is in here twice so we can alternate legs. When you are in downward dog and moving into warrior pose, lunge your knee forward first, then move your torso up into the warrior pose. Then, it's easy to get back into downward dog. Then warrior again, then downward dog again. Getting tired? Well now we have a restorative pose.
The Child's pose is a great one! Relax your whole body and spine. It may feel like you are bowing to something, but yoga is not a religion, it's a science! After the child's pose, it's easy to move into the upward dog, lean forward onto your chest and them push up into upward dog. Then downward dog, forward fold, and mountain pose again.
Then do it again, 5 more times! After about 3 repeats, I had it memorized. I didn't have to look at my tablet and I was able to just keep going. That's when the magic happened! There is a flow of energy and peace. Clear your mind while you do yoga! It's something that's hard to describe, but give it a shot.
I stretched a bit before, and then meditated for a few minutes after. This is a great exercise. You can change it up every day, or keep doing what you'd like. I love yoga because it's so customizable. I don't have to run the same track or do the same weights or whatever. I can do any kind of sequence I want, for how long I want. I'm starting to see results of my yoga practice. It's awesome.
Afterwards, you don't feel like eating junk food. I'm not a fan of bananas, and that sounded very appealing to me after my yoga session. It took about 30 minutes from the start of stretching to the end of meditation. Give yoga a try and catch the magic! It's worth it! I think i'm going to stick with it!
I've learned this phrase below. It's true. You don't have to have perfect technique. I sure don't! HA!
Try something new today!
- SamiMae
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